International Fellowship Meeting

On 25th February the club hosted 12 International Rotarians in a fellowship meeting as a club event prior to the RI President Economic Conference 2016 held in Cape Town.

Guest of Honour Ray Klinginsmith, 5th from Left. flanked by President Stephen and District 9350 DG Geralding Nicol

Amongst our guests from other areas were The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith,   RI Director Peter Offer, PDG Andrew Jaeger,RI Director Safak Alpay  and his wife Denise Alpay, RF Grants Officer Sadaf Ajani, Elizabeth Lamberti, Justine Mazhandu ,  Celestin Tangamo , Gabriel Chipara, Goliath Mungonge & Anne Thompson.

Our District Governor, Geraldine Nicol and District Governor Elect Ian Pursch both attended as did our club guests Monique Bayes , Jean Crous &  Sanmari Crous.

Ray Klinginsmith regaled the club with stories of his early life with Rotary – including a very deep and personal connection to RC Wynberg – and our speaker – Wynberg Rotarian Roche van Wyk – spoke to us about Social Enterprise Development.

Xmas in July

The fifth Thursday in the month is time for a social, a bit of R&R. Thanks to Keela and her elves (Ann and Biffy) we had Xmas in July, with a good roast, presents and much Xmas cheer.

We were also fortunate to welcome the partners of many of our Rotarians, and two special guests, Matthew Dekenah, the District Outgoing Ambassadorial scholar of three years ago , and John, his partner. Continue reading “Xmas in July”

And sometimes we just have fun!

The Cape Town Cycle Tour was shortened this year, following the devastating fires over the peninsula. While Sunday 8th was clear of fire, the terrain would have been unsafe, with ash and embers on the road, ready to be whipped op in any gust.

But thanks to the firefighters the race could proceed. Not as a true race – no records could be set on the shortened course – but in honour of those who had made it safe to race again. Continue reading “And sometimes we just have fun!”

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