Rotary Food Garden Project Ready to grow.
Rotary got dug in togetvtheir hands dirty and planted a Garden full of vegetables and herbs on Saturday 27 April 2024 in Westlake.

Rotary Club of Wynberg has partnered with Women of Westlake’s Aunty A’s Community Kitchen to improve the Food Garden to be able to harvest vegetables for their meals.
Food security and malnutrition is a growing concern for low income communities of Cape Town especially post the Covid-19 pandemic.
Malnutrition among learners especially has an impact on their education and growth often dropping out of school to join gangs to survive.
Aunty A’s Community Kitchen feeds a large number of 200 to 220 vulnerable women, children and men of the Westlake Community every Tuesday to Friday.
Rotary Wynberg learnt of the need in the community after taking children of the same community to the Uncle Paul’s Christmas Party.
Hearing the need and concern of feeding the community several members visited the site and immediately saw an opportunity to assist with the Women of Westlake’s Aunty A’s Community Kitchen to improve the site and Garden.
Wynberg established its first ever Food Garden committee lead by past president Stacy Edwards that would aim to help improve the current Garden, establish a long term watering solution and facilitate training for the women who serve in the community kitchen.
The committee Rotary was able to obtain a donation of a 950L JoJo Tank and 50 bags of mulch from BUCO Tokai.
The tank will be connect and installed the first weeks of May in time for the rains.
On the 27 April Rotary organized a planting day where members and community volunteers went to the garden and planted vegetables including carrots, cabbage, spring onions, lettuce, basil and more.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more @wynbergrotary