The Rotary Club of Wynberg formally inducted David Barnard as President on Friday 7 June 2024 at WPCC Rondebosch.
Rotary Club of Wynberg, Cape Town SA
A member of Rotary International
Rotary got dug in togetvtheir hands dirty and planted a Garden full of vegetables and herbs on Saturday 27 April 2024 in Westlake.
Rotary Club of Wynberg has partnered with Women of Westlake’s Aunty A’s Community Kitchen to improve the Food Garden to be able to harvest vegetables for their meals.
Food security and malnutrition is a growing concern for low income communities of Cape Town especially post the Covid-19 pandemic.
Malnutrition among learners especially has an impact on their education and growth often dropping out of school to join gangs to survive.
Aunty A’s Community Kitchen feeds a large number of 200 to 220 vulnerable women, children and men of the Westlake Community every Tuesday to Friday.
EVANSTON, Ill. (June 29, 2022) – Jennifer Jones, member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, will be the first woman to take office as Rotary International President in the service organization’s 117-year existence on 1 July 2022.
During her one-year term, Jones will focus on building new relationships and establishing collaborations with organizations that share Rotary’s commitment to driving impact through humanitarian service and to developing leaders around the globe. She has also made Rotary’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion a key part of her presidential platform.
Continue reading “First woman takes office as president of Rotary International”
During the pandemic our Club continued to deliver much needed services and kept up club attendance through exciting virtual and hybrid meetings. Rotary Club of Wynberg was awarded the Rotary Citation Award for 2020 – 2021.
Rotary Club of Wynberg members supported the Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation’s Post Office to Parliament campaign with a donation towards the printing of 1000 postcards that will be delivered to the Minister of Women, Children and People with disabilities at Parliment on Saturday 28 August 2021. The Club is to have 300 cards completed and delivered to parliament.
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