Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
Learn more about our structure and our foundation and our strategic vision.
What we do
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to:
- Promote peace
- Fight disease
- Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
- Save mothers and children
- Support education
- Grow local economies
The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation spends more than US$60 Million annually on a variety of educational and humanitarian projects to promote international understanding and friendly relations among the world’s people. Some of these grants and projects are:
- Ambassadorial Scholarships
- Matching Grants
- Group Study Exchange
- Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants
- Rotary Grants for University Teachers to Serve in Developing Countries
- Grants for Rotary Volunteers
- Rotary Peace Program
- PolioPlus Program – Rotary is the leading private sector partner in the international effort to eradicate polio – the largest public health initiative in history. After 25 years of hard work, Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating this tenacious disease. To date, Rotary has contributed more than US$900 million to the world-wide polio eradication effort.
Several of these programs send scholars and volunteer workers abroad to study, learn about other cultures, offer assistance and promote goodwill within a host country.
Rotary International’s website can be found at which has information on all of these programmes.