Learn to Earn

About Learn to Earn

Learn to Earn is a skills development and job creation organisation seeking to develop people, especially unemployed people, socially, economically, emotionally and spiritually.


Their skills development and training centres are based in vibrant Khayelitsha and the seaside town of Hermanus. Here, they endeavour to eradicate unemployment and other legacies of injustice in South Africa. Since 1989 they have trained more than 13 583 unemployed people with market-related skills.

They have seen over 83% of their graduates become economically active, with up to 20% starting their own businesses. Their students have the option of receiving tuition in Bake for ProfitBasic Cashier SkillsBasic Handyman SkillsBasic Hospitality SkillsBasic Office SkillsCall CentreGraphic Design Bridging CourseHome ManagementSewingSewing Production LineWoodwork, as well as Basic Computers and an 8-week long Business Skills course. Their newest training initiative is the Ground UP Academy whose aim is to train and equip unemployed people in becoming entry level Baristas. All of their courses also include a life skills aspect.

Zakhele Manufacturing & Design
Zakhele Manufacturing & Design (a Division of Learn to Earn Development Enterprise) makes a range of beautiful conference bags, banner bags, cushions and placemats. These handmade high quality products are unique and reflect the positive atmosphere of the heart of Khayelitsha.

Fashion for Change 
Established in 2008 as ‘the feel good Project’, and re-branded in 2018 as Fashion for Change, this innovative social enterprise is aimed at equipping unemployed South Africans with practical skills and experience to secure a job and a successful career in the retail industry (retail, supply and warehousing sectors).

Twice a year trainees are recruited into one of the departments and provided with classroom and on-the-job training in the department’s respective skills area. With the aid of one-on-one coaching and mentoring trainees have the opportunity to daily perform and practice the respective skills. Proceeds generated from sales across the two Fashion for Change stores go towards growing and sustaining the programme.

LtE Association
Because of LtE’s reputation as an organisation that makes life changing interventions in unemployed people through skills training, job creation and enterprise development they receive many requests to start branches in various areas of South Africa. These requests have resulted in us establishing the Learn to Earn Association.

Each of the branches is open for tours of the centres. Please contact your closest branch to prearrange a time.

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