Biffy Danckwerts and Rob Murphy hand a wheelchair to Ann Amm of Diep River
A Wheelchair for Michael
Michael Katsuwa resides at 714 Mlonji Street in Philippi. He was involved in a car accident which resulted in his current paraplegia. His old wheelchair was uncomfortable which made it difficult for him to go about his daily activities.
Michael is a business-oriented individual and is engaged in a number of activities in which he tries to enhance his business knowledge and general empowerment.
The wheelchair will aid his mobility and enable him to attend to his business needs. It will help him develop as an individual, be empowered and most importantly help him become more independent and self-reliant.
Donation of Wheelchairs
Wynberg Rotary Club joined 4 other Rotary Clubs (Cape of Good Hope Rotary Club, Melkbos Rotary Club, Hout Bay Rotary Club, Claremont Rotary Club) in applying to the Wheelchair Foundation UK for a container of wheelchairs for distribution in the Western Cape. These arrived at the end of February 2015, each club receiving about 20 wheelchairs for distribution. Continue reading “Donation of Wheelchairs”