Rotary is opening Opportunities for Young Leaders

On Thursday 2 July the Rotary Club of Wynberg celebrated the Induction of President Justin Schonegevel and his board for the Rotary year 2020 /2021 via their first virtual Induction held over Zoom.

Inductions were traditionally in grand, face-to-face settings to celebrate the occasion, but with the onset of Coronavirus this was not possible, and a plan was made for a Virtual Induction.

Continue reading “Rotary is opening Opportunities for Young Leaders”

Induction of two New Members

A highlight of any Club President’s tenure is the induction of new members into the club and RI.

On 10th March 2016 the club proudly inducted Jean and Sanmari Crous.

Jean and Sanmari had been visiting the club for several meetings, and had already become very involved in club activities, meetings and social events. They had moved to the Southern Suburbs a year ago, and had been looking for a meaningful way to enjoy their leisure hours in the community. Fortunately for all parties they discovered Wynberg Rotary Club.

The rest, as they say, is history!

Jean and Sanmari Crous
Jean and Sanmari Crous

Induction of Transferee Member: Kit Schreiber

On 15th January we were proud to induct a new member – Kit Schreiber – into our club.

Kit is a long-time Rotarian, having been with RC Beacon Bay for  31 years, where he has especially been involved with the Youth Exchange programme. He has now transferred to Cape Town, and has been a frequent guest over the past few months. Once he got to know us, we are happy to report he is confident he will enjoy his stay here.

As Kit is already a Rotarian, President Jackie presented him with a ‘Service above Self’ pin.

Kit Schreiber welcomed to the club by President Jackie.
Kit Schreiber welcomed to the club by President Jackie.

An Important Meeting (with RC Kromboom, the DG and the AG)

On Wednesday 22nd October RC Wynberg and RC Kromboom had a joint meeting at Kelvin Grove with DG Cecil Rose and AG Michelle Anders. This meeting gave a chance for all members of both clubs to meet the DG and AG, and to discuss strategies and plans for the year.

The meeting was well attended by members of both clubs, each represented by their respective President and Sergeant. Their were a number of other guests – Cecil rose was accompanied by his wife Lesley, and Michelle by her husband Bruce. We also had an international visitor, (ex South African) John Fowler, who was visiting the DG. Continue reading “An Important Meeting (with RC Kromboom, the DG and the AG)”

Members meeting – 9th October 2014

On 9th October 2014 Wynberg Rotary had a ‘members evening’, an evening to celebrate US, who we are and what we do. It turned out to be a fantastic event, with a visit from an old friend, an induction, a re-induction, a certificate from a grateful recipient, and a new idea, a ‘Me-talk’.
[see also Wynpress Vol 66 Issue 13_16 October 2014 ]

Probably the most significant occasions at Rotary are the inductions of new members. Tonight we had two, or is it one and a half.?

President Jackie inducting Keela
President Jackie inducting Keela

The first was Keela o’Driscoll, ex Wynberg Rotaractor and long time friend. After many months waiting Keela finally joined us bringing another youthful element to the club, with prospects of many years Rotary service.

As for the second: John Vivian, a long time Rotarian and honorary Rotarian, decided that he was too active to be honorary, and wished to be re-activated. We welcome John back to the club as full, active member.

Jackie re-inducting John Vivian
Jackie re-inducting John Vivian

There were a couple of other membership changes. Ken WIlliams, a stalwart on any Youth Service resigned and the club was pleased to grant him honorary status. Ken gave a moving tribute to his wife Bertie, who helped out at any time of the day or night when people needed fetching, or feeding, or just company! We all thank him for his service over the years, and assure him the change in status is in name only.

President Jackie and Ken
President Jackie and Ken

Catherine Bailey from RC Taverstock, the daughter of retired member and friend – Peter Bailey – visited, and swopped banners with our president.

Jackie and Catherine Bailey swopping banners
Jackie and Catherine Bailey swopping banners

Are, the chairman of the NLC, passed around an award certificate presented to Wynberg Rotary Club by Perivale Junior School as part of their 50th Anniversary, in appreciation of the financial and other support given by the Club through the NLC.

And finally, Dirk, one of our newer members, gave a ‘Me-talk’. This is a new idea for the club, a member sharing tales about about their life, their loves, their career  and any other interesting information. Dirk set the bar high, with a most enthralling talk, and video, and song, and photo show.

A fitting end to an enjoyable evening.

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