This year Wynberg Rotary Club and Constantia Rotary Club and Kromboom Rotary Club elected to host their RFHD this year during the week before the official dates to coincide with school holidays. The community of Capricorn Park were very glad to see us again and supported us well. Once again the eye testing and free readers and dental health were a great hit. We handed out on average 110 pairs of readers a Continue reading “Rotary Family Health Day 2016”
An Important Meeting (with RC Kromboom, the DG and the AG)
On Wednesday 22nd October RC Wynberg and RC Kromboom had a joint meeting at Kelvin Grove with DG Cecil Rose and AG Michelle Anders. This meeting gave a chance for all members of both clubs to meet the DG and AG, and to discuss strategies and plans for the year.
The meeting was well attended by members of both clubs, each represented by their respective President and Sergeant. Their were a number of other guests – Cecil rose was accompanied by his wife Lesley, and Michelle by her husband Bruce. We also had an international visitor, (ex South African) John Fowler, who was visiting the DG. Continue reading “An Important Meeting (with RC Kromboom, the DG and the AG)”