Rotary give Community Medics a new response vehicle!

On Sunday 6 October Wynberg Rotary handed over a brand new response car to Community Medics as part of a Global Grant project between Wynberg and 7 Rotary Clubs in the USA. The response vehicle is part of a R520 000 Global Grant project including training and equipment.

President Keela Van Niekerk handing Community Medics Logistics Managers Jolene Page the keys to their new vehicle.

Continue reading “Rotary give Community Medics a new response vehicle!”

Ground UP Barista Academy Grant

Rotary Invests more than half a million rand into skills and sustainable entrepreneurial development.

On Thursday 28 September, the Rotary Club of Wynberg presented a cheque to Learn to Earn’s Ground UP Barista Academy for R585 000. The funding was realised through partnerships with the Rotary Foundation, the Rotary Club of Tavistock Devon UK, Rotary District 1175 of the UK, the Rotary District 9350 (South Africa) and the Rotary Club of Wynberg.

The portion of the funds invested will go towards training 26 unemployed adults with basic Barista skills. Continue reading “Ground UP Barista Academy Grant”

Progress at Isiphiwo Primary School

The final stages of the building of a computer lab for Isiphiwo Primary School required some hands-on work by members of RC Wynberg. Accordingly a group left for the school on Saturday 17th January 2015 to erect shelves, move old computers out and new in. By the looks of it a lot of fun was interspersed with some very serious work.

Our thanks once again to our American donors for the money for this centre. The benefit to the school and the community will be immense!

Inspecting the work
Inspecting the work
Justin lending a hand
Justin lending a hand

Continue reading “Progress at Isiphiwo Primary School”

An Induction and Paul Harris to end the year

The annual end of year party for the Rotary Club Wynberg is always special. Gifts are distributed – and swopped, to the dismay of some unfortunates – , the meal is good,Β  talking laughing and general good cheer is shared by all.

This year, however was special. We celebrated one outstanding achievement – a Paul Harris – and inducted our latest member. Continue reading “An Induction and Paul Harris to end the year”

Greetings from Sydney, New Foundland

Roisin Gallivan, the granddaughter of past member Ron Davies and Shirley, is a member of the Interact Club of the Sunnrise Rotary Club of Sidney, on New Foundland, Canada. Her interact club held a fund raiser to buy beautiful baby clothes, which were handed over to be used for new young needy mothers from the maternity wing at the Retreat Community Health Centre.

This happened at the opening of a braai area for employees at the Retreat Health centre on 2nd July 2013, in memory of Ron.

Roisin brought good wishes from her sponsor club and a club banner.

Sydney, Cape Brenton, Canada

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