Visit to Isiphiwo Primary School

On Wed 6 December we visited Isiphiwo Primary School with the donors Steve and Geraldine from France. Using the funds that Steve has donated, stationery packs were handed to all Grade 7s leaving the school to go to High School. Steve gave them a talk about succeeding in future and that anything is possible if they put their head down and work. He gave real examples of people he is currently working with. A handful of children were then tasked with thanking Steve and presented him with cards of gratitude.

Geraldine’s children donated their complete haul of Halloween sweets to send to children less fortunate in SA at Isiphiwo. These were also handed out.

A number of Grade 7s cornered me wanting to donate their school uniforms to the school to hand to those less fortunate. This is something that they are learning from all the donations of second hand clothing that we have been giving to the school to offer the students a bit more dignity. This is something that I have spoken to the headmaster about before trying to get this established. Now it is coming from the students which is wonderful to see and experience.

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