We are winners! Matrics at Lavender Hill Secondary School.

On Wed 8 May 2013 Stephen, June, Pam and Biffy were able again this year to present the Grade 12 students with a bag with a couple of goodies in each one.

Stephen June Pam Biffy
A distracted Stephen, with June (of YES), Pam and Biffy all of WRC.

The speakers were Mr Manie the Headmaster, Jean Solomons the Head Prefect, Biffy Danckwerts of WRC and June Orsmond of YES. All encouraged the Grade 12’s to do well and reach for a 100% pass rate at the end of the year and congratulated them on staying in school all the way to Grade 12.  The sad fact was that when this Grade was in Grade 8 there were over 280 in the Grade and now only 79 remain.

Mr Manie
Mr Manie encouraging a 100% pass rate!
Jean Solomons
Jean Solomons thanking WRC for the gifts and assuring the learners commitment

At the end June led a resounding ‘Yes we can‘ and ‘We are winners‘ by all the learners.

Biffy Danckwerts
Biffy encouraging the learners

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