Sarah Yousuf In Stellenbosch

Karen Overbosch (President elect of WRC) and Biffy Danckwerts (also of WRC) accompanied Ambassadorial Scholar Sarah Yousuf to do presentations at Helderberg Sunrise RC for breakfast and Paarl RC at lunchtime (besides a number of other things inbetween !!!!!!!!!).
Report by Biffy Danckwerts:-

I have to tell you once again how lucky and proud we should be of Sarah.  She really did us and Rotary so proud today.  There was nothing but compliments and such gratefulness that we had brought Sarah to these clubs. Sarah has refined her talk unbelievably since talking to us.  The first half of her talk revolved around her work and the clubs loved hearing this which was evident with all the questions after her talk about her work.  Both Presidents had to stop the questions else they would have just gone on and on.  It was like chalk and cheese.  Slick and professional.  Another skill that being an Ambassadorial student has taught Sarah. We are so lucky to have been given Sarah.

Sarah Helderberg Sunrise meeting
Karen,Helderberg Sunrise in-coming President Carl-Heinz Duisberg, Sarah, Biffy
Sarah with Paarl President Steyn Pienaar
Sarah, Paarl President Steyn Pienaar
Sarah with Pres Elect of WRC Karen Overbosch
Sarah, in-coming President of WRC Karen Overbosch

Sarah Views at Stellenbosch

Waiting for chocolate

Sarah at Stellenbosch

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