Rotaract Conference

This years Rotaract Conference wwas held at Windstone in the Langebaan Area on the 10th August 2013.  This was President Karen’s first ever Rotaract conference.
Karen, Jackie, Biffy, Sarah and John flew there and back for the day and then they were still expected to do a rally in-between presenting workshops.  No rest for the wicked.  Here is the evidence:

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First stop:  a group photo in Vredenburg.              Everyone had to be washing the windscreen (Note  Karen clutching the clues)

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How many people can you fit in a boot?          Next stop:  the golf club braai area

We had to drink out of the biggest mug.

We did not manage to win even with the best artist in our midst.  They must have penalised this team for the wisdom of age.

Even with all this fun there was plenty of serious workshops, talks, etc.  As usual the Wynberg Rotaractors pulled out all the stops.  Well done team.  A wonderful talk by Michael Lawrence on his pilgrimage walks in Spain and all the other areas and mountains that he is going to climb.  Next year team Wynberg Rotary are staying for the weekend to their hair down.

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