Ambassadorial Scholar Sarah Yousuf

Hello from Chicago, Illinois!  I am the 2012-2013 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar from District 6450, Rotary Chicago Far North, and I am currently staying here in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.  I want to thank Rotary Wynberg for hosting me and showing me around their lovely city.


Touring the Cape: The Swartberg Pass and the Cango Caves.

Just a little about me, I originally come from a family of immigrants who settled in the States from Pakistan.  I grew up in Chicago and obtained my license to practice law as an attorney in 2008.  Currently, I am in South Africa obtaining my Masters of Law at the University of Cape Town.  In addition, I spend my free time doing volunteer work and practicing martial arts.


A little bit of home: The WIllis Tower in Chicago, and Sarah with her brother and sister.

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